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4. Other information 

4.1 Significant shareholders

The Board of Directors is not aware of any major shareholder with a holding exceeding 3% of all votes as at December 31, 2022 and 2021.

4.2 Statement of holdings of the Board of Directors

As at December 31, the Board of Directors held the following registered shares of BB Biotech AG:






Dr. Erich Hunziker, Chairman


957 884


957 884

Dr. Clive Meanwell, Vice-Chairman


5 163


5 163

Laura Hamill




Dr. Pearl Huang




Prof. Dr. Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen



Dr. Thomas von Planta


12 000


12 000

4.3 Management contracts

On behalf of the Company, the Board of Directors has entered into a management contract with Bellevue Asset Management AG (investment manager). In this contract, the investment manager commits to carry out management services relating to the investment activity and management of BB Biotech AG. Under this contract the Company paid in the business year 2022 CHF 663 577 (2021: CHF 921 468) to Bellevue Asset Management AG.

4.4 Annual report and cash flow statement

Due to the fact that BB Biotech AG prepares consolidated financial statements in accordance with a recognized international accounting standard (IFRS), the Company doesn’t prepare, in line with the legal requirements, an annual report and cash flow statement.

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