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Statement of income for the year ended December 31 

(in CHF)








Operating income







Income from investments




187 130 300


884 810 951

Other income




5 503 545


6 110 185





192 633 845


890 921 136

Operating expenses







Administrative expenses




(2 077 822)


(1 974 433)

Other expenses




(2 922 658)


(3 411 250)





(5 000 480)


(5 385 683)

Operating income before finance income and taxes




187 633 365


885 535 453








Finance income




1 310


3 130

Finance expenses




(13 974)


(26 583)

Operating income before tax




187 620 701


885 512 000








Tax expenses




(112 437)


(123 687)

Net income for the year




187 508 264


885 388 313

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