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Financial Report Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. The Company and its principal activity

1. The Company and its principal activity

BB Biotech AG (the Company) is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, in the «Prime Standard Segment» of the German Exchange as well as in the «Star Segment» of the Italian Exchange and has its registered office in Schaffhausen, Schwertstrasse 6. Its principal activity is to invest in companies active in the biotechnology industry for the purpose of capital appreciation. The investments are held through its wholly owned subsidiaries. 



Capital in CHF 1 000


Capital and voting interest in %

Biotech Focus N.V., Curaçao





Biotech Growth N.V., Curaçao





Biotech Invest N.V., Curaçao





Biotech Target N.V., Curaçao





2. Accounting policies

2. Accounting policies


The consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary companies (the Group) have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as well as the provisions of the rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange for Investment Companies for the period January 1, 2020, until December 31, 2020. The consolidation is prepared from the financial statements of the Group companies using uniform accounting principles. With the exception of financial assets and liabilities (incl. derivative instruments), which are held at fair value through profit or loss, the financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention. This requires management to make assumptions and estimates that have an impact on the balance sheet values and items of the income statement in the current financial year. In certain circumstances, the actual values may differ from these estimates.

The following amended standards, valid since January 1, 2020, have been applied in these annual consolidated financial statements:

  • IAS 1, IAS 8 (amended, effective January 1, 2020) – Definition of Material
  • IFRS 3 (amended, effective January 1, 2020) – Business Combinations
  • IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 9 (amended, effective January 1, 2020) – IBOR-Reform

The Group assessed the impact of the above-mentioned amended standards. Based on the analysis, the Group concludes that these amended standards have no material impact on the Group’s accounting policies and overall results and financial position.

The following amended standards were approved, but will only be applicable for the Group prospectively and were not early adopted in these annual consolidated financial statements:

  • IAS 1 (amended, effective January 1, 2022) – Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current
  • IFRS 3 (amended, effective January 1, 2022) – Reference to the Conceptual Framework
  • IAS 37 (amended, effective January 1, 2022) – Onerous Contracts – Cost of fulfilling a Contract
  • Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020 (effective January 1, 2022) – IFRS 9, IFRS 16

The Group assessed the potential impact of the above-mentioned amended standards. Based on the analysis, the Group concludes that these amended standards have no material impact on the Group’s accounting policies and overall results and financial position.

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements include the Company and the subsidiary companies which are controlled by it. An investor controls an investee when it is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Company and are deconsolidated from the date that control ceases. The consolidation is performed using the acquisition method. All intercompany transactions and balances with companies included in the consolidation are eliminated. All Group companies have a December 31 year-end.

Foreign currency translation

Based on the economic environment (primary listing, investors, costs and performance measurement) in which the Company and its subsidiaries operate, the consolidated financial statements of the Group are presented in Swiss francs, which is the Company’s and its subsidiaries functional currency. Transactions in foreign currencies are converted at exchange rates as at transaction dates. Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies at year-end are translated at rates of exchange prevailing as at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences are reflected in the statement of income. Translation differences on marketable securities held at fair value through profit or loss are reported as part of the net gains/(losses) from securities.

The following exchange rates have been used for the preparation of these consolidated financial statements:


























Financial assets

The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories:

  • Financial assets at amortized cost
  • Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at amortized cost

Financial assets at amortized cost are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. They are included in current assets, except when they have maturities of greater than twelve months after the balance sheet date. Otherwise they are classified as non-current assets.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise current accounts and call money at banks which have a maturity of three months or less.

Receivables from brokers

Receivables from brokers result from security transactions and do not bear any interest.

These amounts are recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost. At each reporting date, the Group shall measure the loss allowance on amounts due from broker at an amount equal to the Lifetime Expected Credit Loss («ECL») if the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition. If, at the reporting date, the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition, the Group shall measure the loss allowance at an amount equal to 12-month ECLs. A significant increase in credit risk is defined as any contractual payment which is more than 30 days past due. Any contractual payment which is more than 90 days past due is considered credit impaired. For receivables from brokers which settle within 10 business days the ECL estimate is nil.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss comprise marketable and non-marketable securities which are classified as current assets.

Initially, securities and derivatives are measured at fair value and are subsequently remeasured at market values based on stock exchange prices or generally accepted valuation models that are based on market conditions existing at each balance sheet date, such as Black- Scholes, earnings multiple and discounted cash flow model. Purchases and sales of securities are accounted for at trade date. Realized gains and losses on security trading are recognized in the statement of comprehensive income as net gains/losses from securities at the day of the transaction. Changes in fair value of securities are also recognized as net gains/losses from securities in the statement of comprehensive income in the same period in which they arise. Securities are derecognized when the rights to receive cash flows from securities have expired or where the Group has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership.

Transaction costs are costs to acquire financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. They include transfer taxes and duties as well as fees and commissions paid to agents, advisers, brokers and dealers. Transaction costs, when incurred, are immediately recognized as an expense.

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are generally classified and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, except for financial liabilities held for trading and derivatives.

Payables to brokers

Payables to brokers result from security transactions and do not bear any interest.

Short-term borrowings from banks

Short-term borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortized cost; any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value is recognized in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method. Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least twelve months after the balance sheet date.

Income taxes

Current income taxes are calculated on the basis of the applicable tax laws in individual countries and recognized as an expense in the period in which the related profits are made.

Assets or liabilities related to current income taxes are reported in the balance sheet in the items «Current tax assets» or «Current tax liabilities ». Tax effects arising from temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the Group’s balance sheet and their corresponding tax values are recognized, respectively, as «Deferred tax assets» and «Deferred tax liabilities». Deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences and from loss carry-forwards eligible for offset are capitalized if it is likely that sufficient taxable profits will be available against which those temporary differences or loss carry-forwards can be offset. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated at the tax rates expected to apply in the period in which the tax assets will be realized, or the tax liabilities settled.

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit/loss attributable to shareholders by the weighted average number of registered shares in issue during the year, less treasury shares. For the diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of registered shares in issue and the net profit is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilution potential registered shares.

Treasury shares

The company can buy and sell treasury shares in accordance with the Company’s article of association, Swiss company law and in compliance with the listing rules of SIX Swiss Exchange.

Treasury shares are recorded as a deduction from the shareholders’ equity at the amount of considerations paid («Total cost»). All gains and losses arising from trading in treasury shares are directly credited/debited to retained earnings. The FIFO (first in/first out) method is used for derecognition. The purchase price is booked gross with transaction costs. Treasury shares may be acquired and held by the Company or by other members of the consolidated Group.

Net asset value per share

The net asset value per share is calculated by dividing the shareholders’ equity by the number of shares outstanding less treasury shares held at year end.

Dividend income

Dividends on securities are recognized in the income statement when the Group’s right to receive payment is established.

Leasing contracts

The Group has two rental contracts for office space in Schaffhausen and Curacao. Due to the immateriality of a right-of-use-asset and a lease liability, no disclosure according to IFRS 16 are made within these consolidated financial statements.

Pension liability

BB Biotech AG maintains for its employee a defined benefit plan. There is no pension plan for employees of Group companies. Due to the immateriality of any potential pension liability or potential pension asset, no disclosures according to IAS 19 are made within these consolidated financial statements.

Segment reporting

IFRS 8 requires entities to define operating segments and segment performance in the financial statements based on information used by the chief operating decision-maker. The investment manager is considered to be the chief operating decision-maker. An operating segment is a group of assets and operations engaged in providing products or services that are subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other operating segments. The sole operating segment of the Group is investing in companies active in the biotechnology industry. The investment manager works as a team for the entire portfolio, asset allocation is based on a single, integrated investment strategy and the Group’s performance is evaluated on an overall basis. Thus the results published in this report correspond to the sole operating segment of investing in companies active in the biotechnology industry.

Related party

Related parties are individuals and companies where the individual or company has the ability, directly or indirectly, to control the other party or to exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating decisions.

Commitments, contingencies and other off-balance sheet transactions

The operations of the Group are affected by legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments for which provisions are made where a legal or constructive obligation has been incurred which will probably lead to an outflow of resources that can be reasonably estimated.

Critical accounting estimates and judgments

The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation techniques. The Group makes estimates and assumptions that are mainly based on market conditions to value these financial instruments. Since these financial instruments are not traded in an active market, inherent difficulties exist to value these financial instruments. These difficulties cannot be eliminated. The difference between the proceeds from sale of these financial instruments and the carrying amount may be material.

The Company has assessed whether it is appropriate under IFRS 10 to consolidate the Subsidiaries. IFRS 10 states that an investor controls the investee if, and only if, the investor has all of the following:

  • Power over the investee;
  • Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and
  • The ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor's returns

The Company owns 100%  of the capital and voting interest in all four subsidiaries as disclosed in note 1. Therefore the Company has power over the organization and directs the investment activities and dividend policy of its subsidiaries. The scope of the investment management and administration agreement with the investment manager also includes all subsidiaries.

Further, IFRS 10 requires that a subsidiary that provides services related to the parent’s investment activities should not be consolidated if the subsidiary itself is an investment entity. The Company also made an assessment as to whether the Company’s Subsidiaries meet the definition of an investment entity. IFRS 10 provides that an investment entity should have the following typical characteristics:

  • It has more than one investment;
  • It has more than one investor;
  • It has investors that are not related parties of the entity; and
  • It has ownership interests in the form of equity or similar interests.

An investment entity is still required to consolidate its subsidiaries if the subsidiary provides services that relate to the investment entity’s investment activities.

The Company concluded that the Subsidiaries do not qualify as investment entities, but are effectively operating subsidiaries as they act as an extension of the Company. They provide requisite investment-related services to the Company and incur costs in doing so, thus the Company consolidates its ssubsidiaries. Fair value accounting would not have a material impact on the net income and equity of the Group.

3. Financial risk management

3. Financial risk management

Within the framework of the law, articles of incorporation and regulations, the investment manager carries out currency and security forward transactions, buys, sells and makes use of options as well as fulfills all necessary obligations that result from these businesses.

Credit risk

The Group is exposed to credit risk, which is the risk that a counterparty will be unable to pay amount in full when due. The Group measures credit risk and expected credit losses using probability of default, exposure at default and loss given default. The Group considers both historical analysis and forward looking information in determining any expected credit loss.

The Group manages and controls its credit risk by maintaining business relations only with counterparties with an acceptable credit rating. All transactions in securities are settled/paid for upon delivery using approved brokers. The risk of default is considered minimal, as delivery of securities sold is only made once the broker has received payment. Payment is made on a purchase once the securities have been received by the broker. The trade will fail if either party fails to meet its obligation. The Group’s credit positions, if any, are monitored on a daily basis by the investment manager and are reviewed on a regular basis by the Board of Directors.

As at December 31, 2020 and 2019, the ECL-impairment model did not have a material impact as (i) the majority of the financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or loss and the impairment requirements do not apply to such instruments; and (ii) the financial assets at amortized cost are short-term (no longer than 10 days). As a result, no loss allowance has been recognized.

Market risks

Risk associated with changing market prices

Due to its business activity and the resulting high portion of securities in relation to total assets, the Group is exposed to market price risk arising from uncertainties and fluctuations on the financial and foreign exchange markets.

The Group participates occassionaly, but to a substantial extent, in the capital of its investments. In the case of sales of large parts of these investments, it may be able to influence the market price. The Group’s securities positions are monitored on a daily basis by the investment manager and are reviewed on a regular basis by the Board of Directors.

The annual volatility of registered shares BB Biotech AG (reference volatility for the marketable securities) for 2020 is 33.78% (2019: 21.37%). At December 31, 2020, had the value of listed securities increased or decreased by 33.78% (2019: 21.37%) with all other variables held constant, the increase or decrease respectively in net income/loss as well as shareholders’ equity would amount to CHF 1 335.2 mn (2019: CHF 752.5 mn).

At December 31, 2020 and 2019 the Company holds no unlisted shares.

Interest risk

Interest rates on liquid funds are based on market rates. The funds are due on demand.

Short-term borrowings from banks are on current and short-term loan accounts with interest, based at market rates. Due to the high level of own funds, the effect of interest payable on the statement of income is insignificant. The majority of the Group’s securities are non-interest bearing; as a result, the Group is not subject to significant amounts of risk due to fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market interest rates.

The Group’s interest sensitivity is monitored on a daily basis by the investment manager and reviewed on a regular basis by the Board of Directors.

Currency risk

The Group hold assets denominated in currencies other than the Swiss franc, the functional currency. They are therefore exposed to currency risk, as the value of the securities denominated in other currencies will fluctuate due to changes in exchange rates. Depending on the market situation the Group could use foreign currency options and/or forward contracts to reduce the currency risk.

The following table summarizes the Group’s exposure to currency risks:



Net exposure 31.12. (in CHF 1 000)


Annual volatility (in %)


Potential impact (in CHF 1 000) 1)



3 952 760




292 741
























3 500 013




192 571








1 Potential impact on total comprehensive income as well as shareholders' equity with all other variables held constant

The Group’s currency position is monitored on a daily basis by the investment manager and is reviewed on a regular basis by the Board of Directors.

Liquidity risk

The Group invests the majority of its assets in investments that are traded in an active market and can be readily disposed of. The Group’s treasury shares, with the exception of shares purchased under a share buy-back program, are considered readily realizable as they are listed on three stock exchanges. The Group can invest a minor part of its portfolio in securities, which are not traded on a stock exchange and may be illiquid. As a result, the Group may not be able to liquidate its investments in these instruments on short notice. In addition, the Group has access to a credit line (notes 5 and 13).

The tables below analyze the Group’s financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based on the period between the balance sheet date and the contractual maturity date (in CHF 1 000):

At December 31, 2020


Less than 1 month


1–3 months


More than 3 months / no stated maturity

Short-term borrowings from banks


63 000



Payables to brokers


6 576



Other short-term liabilities


5 313




Total liabilities


74 889











At December 31, 2019







Short-term borrowings from banks


150 000



Payables to brokers


6 359



Other short-term liabilities


4 657




Total liabilities


161 016




The Group’s liquidity position is monitored on a daily basis by the investment manager and is reviewed on a regular basis by the Board of Directors.


The investment portfolio usually consists of 20 to 35 investments. This includes five to eight large core investments, defined as positions > 5%. These investments together will account for up to two-thirds of the portfolio. Companies without a stock market listing shall not exceed 10% of the portfolio.

As at December 31, 2020, the Group held five core investments, representing 35% (2019: seven core investments, 55%) of the portfolio. The portfolio is – in line with the strategy – concentrated on a limited number of investments. Risk diversification is therefore limited.

Fair values

The following table presents the Group’s assets that are measured at fair value at December 31 (in CHF 1 000):



Level 1


Level 2


Level 3





















– Shares


3 952 504




3 952 504

– Derivative instruments




2 155


2 155

Total assets


3 952 504



2 155


3 954 659





































– Shares


3 518 985




3 518 985

– Derivative instruments


2 330



2 355


4 685

Total assets


3 521 315



2 355


3 523 670

The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets is based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. A market is regarded as active if quoted prices are readily and regularly available and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. The quoted market price used for financial assets held by the Group is the closing price. These instruments are included in level 1.

The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation techniques. These valuation techniques maximize the use of observable market data where it is available. The options are valued on the basis of the Black-Scholes model which is based on market conditions existing at each balance sheet date. These instruments are included in level 2.

If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in level 3. The valuation of level 3 instruments is quarterly reviewed. As soon as new or adjusted parameters are available the valuation model (e.g. earnings multiple model) of unlisted shares is adjusted accordingly. As of December 31, 2020, the Company holds one level 3 instrument, allocated as part of a corporate action on October 24, 2019 (December 31, 2019: identical).

The table below summarizes the transactions in level 3 instruments (in CHF 1 000):






Opening balance


2 355





Gains/(losses) included in net gain/loss from securities




2 355

Closing balance


2 155


2 355

Gains/(losses) on level 3 instruments included in net gain/loss from securities




2 355

There have been no transfers between level 1, 2 and 3 during the reporting period. No sensitivity analysis has been disclosed due to the immaterial amount of level 3 instruments.

For assets and liabilities carried at amortized cost, their carrying values are a reasonable approximation of fair value.

4. Financial assets

4. Financial assets


The changes in value of securities by investment category are as follows (in CHF 1 000):



Listed shares


Unlisted shares


Derivative instruments



Opening balance as at 01.01.2019 at fair values


3 063 972





3 064 175



485 239



1 490


486 729



(753 455)





(753 825)

Net gains/(losses) from securities


723 228



3 363


726 591

Realized gains


251 993





252 160

Realized losses


(12 865)




(12 865)

Unrealized gains


693 965



3 196


697 161

Unrealized losses


(209 865)




(209 865)

Closing balance as at 31.12.2019 at fair values


3 518 985



4 685


3 523 670










Opening balance as at 01.01.2020 at fair values


3 518 985



4 685


3 523 670



699 570




699 570



(1 010 092)




(1 010 092)

Net gains/(losses) from securities


744 042



(2 531)


741 511

Realized gains


364 618




364 618

Realized losses


(83 963)




(83 963)

Unrealized gains


882 536




882 536

Unrealized losses


(419 149)



(2 531)


(421 680)

Closing balance as at 31.12.2020 at fair values


3 952 504



2 155


3 954 659

Securities comprise the following:


















Number 31.12.2019




Number 31.12.2020


Market price in original currency 31.12.2020


Valuation CHF mn 31.12.2020


Valuation CHF mn 31.12.2019

Ionis Pharmaceuticals


7 994 955


225 045


8 220 000











4 817 781


(1 962 818)


2 854 963









Neurocrine Biosciences


3 228 074


(193 074)


3 035 000









Argenx SE


944 739


(23 407)


921 332











3 400 000


(500 000)


2 900 000









Vertex Pharmaceuticals


1 240 000


(340 000)


900 000









Alexion Pharmaceuticals


1 314 428


(20 000)


1 294 428











1 241 903


935 000


2 176 903









Fate Therapeutics



2 030 000


2 030 000








Agios Pharmaceuticals


3 896 954


261 948


4 158 902









Halozyme Therapeutics


7 963 056


(3 993 056)


3 970 000









Alnylam Pharmaceuticals


1 600 000


(445 000)


1 155 000









Crispr Therapeutics


730 462


170 422


900 884









Sage Therapeutics


1 280 104


260 000


1 540 104









Radius Health


6 881 685


574 029


7 455 714












537 000


537 000








Myovant Sciences


4 815 109


(58 070)


4 757 039









Intra-Cellular Therapies


2 300 000


1 238 419


3 538 419











4 519 159


296 405


4 815 564









Scholar Rock Holding


2 634 466


(378 815)


2 255 651









Esperion Therapeutics


3 727 964


220 000


3 947 964









Generation Bio Co.



2 333 180


2 333 180








Molecular Templates


1 295 687


5 084 644


6 380 331









Relay Therapeutics



1 409 357


1 409 357










2 835 000



2 835 000









Mersana Therapeutics



1 885 000


1 885 000








Nektar Therapeutics


2 620 676



2 620 676









Black Diamond Therapeutics



1 390 000


1 390 000








Beam Therapeutics



396 821


396 821








Kezar Life Sciences


1 550 669


2 982 479


4 533 148









Wave Life Sciences


2 402 858


200 000


2 602 858









Homology Medicines


1 612 122


125 000


1 737 122









Voyager Therapeutics


2 680 283



2 680 283









Cidara Therapeutics


2 295 272


527 223


2 822 495











1 264 913


(1 264 913)









Intercept Pharmaceuticals


696 976


(696 976)









Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.


800 000


(800 000)









Akcea Therapeutics


2 448 948


(2 448 948)









Sangamo Therapeutics


3 850 000


(3 850 000)









G1 Therapeutics


721 925


(721 925)









Total shares












3 952.5


3 519.0
















Alder Biopharmaceuticals – Contingent Value Right


2 766 008



2 766 008









Bristol-Myers Squibb – Contingent Value Right


800 000



800 000








Total derivative instruments






























Total securities












3 954.7


3 523.7

Securities are deposited with Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., Zurich.

5. Short-term borrowings from banks

5. Short-term borrowings from banks

At December 31, 2020, a CHF 63 mn short-term loan is outstanding, with interest payable at 0.40% p.a. (2019: CHF 150 mn at 0.40% p.a.).

6. Other short-term liabilities

6. Other short-term liabilities

(in CHF 1 000)

Other short-term liabilities comprise the following:






Payables to asset manager


3 715


3 513

Payables to market maker




Other liabilities


1 994


1 447

Total liabilities to third parties


5 709


4 992

7. Shareholders’ equity

7. Shareholders’ equity

The share capital of the Company consists of 55.4 mn fully paid registered shares (2019: 55.4 mn registered shares) with a par value of CHF 0.20 each (2019: CHF 0.20). CHF 2.2 mn of the retained earnings (2019: CHF 2.2 mn) are undistributable.



Share capital


Treasury shares


Retained earnings



Balances at January 1, 2019


11 080



2 873 432


2 884 512





(168 970)


(168 970)

Total comprehensive income for the year




677 431


677 431

Balances at December 31, 2019


11 080



3 381 893


3 392 973



















Balances at January 1, 2020


11 080



3 381 893


3 392 973





(188 360)


(188 360)

Trade with treasury shares (incl. change in balance)



(8 241)




(8 240)

Total comprehensive income for the year




691 174


691 174

Balances at December 31, 2020


11 080


(8 241)


3 884 708


3 887 547

At December 31, 2020 and 2019, the Company has neither authorized nor conditional capital.

Treasury shares

The Company can buy and sell treasury shares in accordance with the Company’s articles of association and Swiss company law and in compliance with the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange. During the period from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020, the Company has purchased 114 998 treasury shares to the amount of TCHF 8 260 and 336 treasury shares to the amount of TCHF 20 were sold (December 31, 2019: nil). As at December 31, 2020, the Company held in total 114 662 treasury shares (December 31, 2019: nil). These treasury shares are treated as a deduction from the consolidated shareholders’ equity using cost values of TCHF 8 240 (December 31, 2019: TCHF nil).

Share buyback 2nd line (bought for cancellation)

The General Shareholders’ Meeting held on March 17, 2016, has approved a share buy-back program, whereby up to 5 540 000 shares may be repurchased by the Company. Until the end of the program, at April 11, 2019, no shares had been repurchased under this share buy-back program.

The Board of Directors has approved the repurchase of a maximum of 5 540 000 own registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.20 each. The share buy-back program will run from April 12, 2019, until April 11, 2022, at the latest. Until December 31, 2020, no shares had been repurchased under this share buy-back program. A repurchase would take place via second trading line for the purpose of a subsequent capital reduction.

8. Administrative expenses

8. Administrative expenses

(in CHF 1 000)

Administrative expenses comprise the following:






Asset manager





– Management fees (incl. VAT)


39 811


40 512






– Board of Directors remuneration


1 223


1 098

– Wages and salaries





– Social insurance contributions and duties







41 755


42 375

The remuneration model of BB Biotech AG is determined by the Board of Directors. 

Since 2014, the remuneration paid to the investment manager is based upon a 1.1% p.a. all-in fee on the average market capitalization without any additional fixed or performance-based elements of compensation, which is paid on a monthly basis. The compensation of the Board of Directors consists since 2014 of a fixed compensation.

9. Other expenses

9. Other expenses

(in CHF 1 000)

Other expenses comprise the following:






Bank charges





Marketing and financial reporting


1 613


1 872

Legal and consulting expenses





Transaction costs


2 433


1 724

Other expenses


1 086


1 318



6 040


5 876

10. Taxes

10. Taxes

(in CHF 1 000)






Operating income before tax


691 249


677 499

Expected tax rate (Direct federal, cantonal and communal tax)





Expected income tax


100 231


52 845

Difference between effective local tax rates and the expected Swiss tax rate


100 156


52 777

Total income tax





In the current year, the average effective income tax rate on a consolidated basis was less than 1% (2019: <1%). This low rate is mainly attributable to the fact that a large proportion of operating income was generated by companies located in Curaçao. As at December 31, 2020, there is no nettable loss carry forward (2019: none). 

11. Earnings per share

11. Earnings per share

(in CHF 1 000) 






Total comprehensive profit/(loss) for the period (in CHF 1 000)


691 174


677 431

Weighted average number of shares in issue


55 391 180


55 400 000

Income per share in CHF










Income used to determine diluted income per share (in CHF 1 000)


691 174


677 431

Weighted average number of shares in issue following the dilution


55 391 180


55 400 000

Diluted income per share in CHF





12. Segment reporting

12. Segment reporting

(in CHF 1 000)

The sole operating segment of the Group reflects the internal management structure and is evaluated on an overall basis. Revenue is derived by investing in a portfolio of companies active in the biotechnology industry for the purpose of capital appreciation. The following results correspond to the sole operating segment of investing in companies active in the biotechnology industry.

The geographical analysis of the profit/(loss) before tax is as follows – all income from financial assets are attributed to a country based on the domiciliation of the issuer of the instrument:

Profit/(loss) before tax







515 492


700 242



100 499


56 334



70 632


14 221

Great Britain


50 299


4 631



(2 039)


(53 952)



(43 634)


(43 977)



691 249


677 499

13. Assets pledged

13. Assets pledged

At December 31, 2020, the securities in the amount of CHF 3 954.7 mn (2019: CHF 3 523.7 mn) are a collateral for a credit line of CHF 700 mn (2019: CHF 700 mn). At December 31, 2020, a CHF 63 mn short-term loan is outstanding (2019: CHF 150 mn). 

14. Commitments, contingencies and other off-balance sheet transactions

14. Commitments, contingencies and other off-balance sheet transactions

The Group had no commitments or other off-balance sheet transactions open at December 31, 2020 (2019: none).

The operations of the Group are affected by legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments for which provisions are made where deemed necessary. The Board of Directors concludes that as at December 31, 2020, no proceedings existed which could have any material effect on the financial position of the Group (2019: none).

15. Financial instruments by category

15. Financial instruments by category

Financial assets and liabilities are allocated to categories as follows (in CHF 1 000):

At December 31, 2020


Financial assets at amortized cost


Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss



Assets as per balance sheet







Cash and cash equivalents


6 816



6 816

Receivables from brokers


1 521



1 521




3 954 659


3 954 659



8 337


3 954 659


3 962 996










Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss


Financial liabilities at amortized cost



Liabilities as per balance sheet







Short-term borrowings from banks



63 000


63 000

Payables to brokers



6 576


6 576

Other short-term liabilities



5 709


5 709




75 285


75 285















At December 31, 2019


Financial assets at amortized cost


Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss



Assets as per balance sheet







Cash and cash equivalents


30 707



30 707




3 523 670


3 523 670



30 707


3 523 670


3 554 377










Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss


Financial liabilities at amortized cost



Liabilities as per balance sheet







Short-term borrowings from banks



150 000


150 000

Payables to brokers



6 359


6 359

Other short-term liabilities



4 992


4 992




161 351


161 351

Profit and loss from financial assets and liabilities are allocated to categories as follows (in CHF 1 000):



Financial assets at amortized cost


Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss


Financial liabilities at amortized cost



Profit and loss from financial instruments









Net gains from securities



741 511



741 511

Interest income







Dividend income







Finance expenses







Foreign exchange losses


(1 857)




(1 857)




























Profit and loss from financial instruments









Net gains from securities



726 591



726 591

Interest income







Dividend income



1 156



1 156

Finance expenses




(1 243)


(1 243)

Foreign exchange losses


(1 173)




(1 173)

16. Transactions with the Investment Manager and related party transactions

16. Transactions with the Investment Manager and related party transactions

The asset management and administration of the Company has been delegated to Bellevue Asset Management AG. Based on the 1.1% p.a. all-in fee model, no additional costs incurred at Bellevue Asset Management AG were charged to the BB Biotech Group (2019: none). The amounts outstanding at the balance sheet date are disclosed in note 6, «Other short-term liabilities». 

17. Significant shareholders

17. Significant shareholders

The Board of Directors is not aware of any major shareholder with a holding exceeding 3% of all votes as at December 31, 2020 and 2019. 

18. Subsequent events

18. Subsequent events

There have been no events subsequent to December 31, 2020, which would affect the 2020 consolidated financial statements. 

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