Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is an integral component of the business of BB Biotech AG (the Company). The Board of Directors is committed to implementing corporate governance policies which are aligned with the size and complexity of the Company’s activities. We ensure transparency for our shareholders by disclosing the articles of incorporation, the organizational regulations as well as the Audit and Risk Committee Charter, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee Charter and the Sustainability and Governance Committee Charter on our website. This report is intended to supplement the annual report with respect to corporate governance policies and implementation of these policies in our business. As BB Biotech AG is listed on the Swiss and German stock exchanges, the Company is required to comply with the rules and regulations that apply to each of these markets.
Unless otherwise indicated, the following information refers to the situation on December 31, 2023.
1. Introductory remarks with respect to the specific structure of BB Biotech AG as an investment company
BB Biotech AG is an investment company listed on a stock exchange according to article 2 paragraph 3 of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA) in the form of a corporation limited by shares. As a corporation limited by shares which is listed on a stock exchange, BB Biotech AG is subject to the supervision and regulation by the SIX Swiss Exchange. Therefore, BB Biotech AG is exempted from the supervision of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA as well as from the regulation pursuant to the Financial Institutions Act (FinIA).
As an investment company, the sole purpose of BB Biotech AG is the management of its assets and investments. The BB Biotech Group does not pursue any commercial or operational activity other than investing in the biotech industry.
2. Group structure and shareholders
2.1 Group structure
BB Biotech AG (ISIN CH0038389992) has its registered office at Schwertstrasse 6, 8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Its principal activity is to invest in companies in the biotechnology industry. These companies are active in the research, development and commercialization of therapies and drugs.
BB Biotech AG is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (BION) and in the «Prime Standard Segment» of the German Exchange XETRA (BBZA). Additional information on this can be found here.
Please refer to note 1 to the consolidated annual financial statements for more information on the Company’s group structure.
The investments are held through its four, fully owned subsidiaries:
Company name | Registered office /Country | BB Biotech AG interest % | Share Capital | |||
Biotech Focus N.V. | Curaçao | 100 | CHF 10 778 | |||
Biotech Growth N.V. | Curaçao | 100 | CHF 10 778 | |||
Biotech Invest N.V. | Curaçao | 100 | CHF 10 778 | |||
Biotech Target N.V. | Curaçao | 100 | CHF 10 778 |
BB Biotech AG controls and is the ultimate parent company of its subsidiaries (Subsidiaries). Together they form the BB Biotech Group (Group). In this function, the Company performs tasks of management, organization as well as financing for itself and for its Subsidiaries. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the corporate bodies of the Company may therefore also promulgate guidelines and directives for the Subsidiaries. Notwithstanding these endeavors, the legal independence of the Subsidiaries and the provisions of applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to them must be observed to the extent legally required.
On behalf of the Company, the Board of Directors has entered into a management contract with Bellevue Asset Management AG, domiciled in Küsnacht, Switzerland. Under the management agreement, Bellevue Asset Management AG agreed to carry out management services relating to the investment activity and the management of the Group. Bellevue Asset Management AG is subject to supervision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and has a license as authorized manager for collective assets. Bellevue Asset Management AG is fully owned by Bellevue Group AG, which is an independent Swiss financial boutique listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
2.2 Significant shareholders
The Board of Directors is not aware of any major shareholder with a holding exceeding 3% of all votes as of December 31, 2023. 100% of BB Biotech AG’s share capital is free float. The notifications which have been submitted to the Company and the disclosure office of the SIX Swiss Exchange during the fiscal year pursuant to article 120 of the Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading and which have been published on the latter’s electronic publication platform may be accessed via the search function here.
2.3 Cross-shareholdings
The Board of Directors is not aware of any cross-holdings with other companies exceeding a limit of 5% in terms of capital or the number of votes.
3. Capital structure
As of December 31, 2023, the Company’s nominal value of the share capital of CHF 11 080 000 consisted of 55 400 000 fully paid up registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.20 each. There is only one share class. Each registered share has one voting right. Voting rights may be exercised only after a shareholder has been registered in the share register of the Company as a shareholder with the right to vote. Each registered share is entitled to dividend payment. No shares certificates are issued. There is no authorized capital or conditional capital outstanding, and the Company has not implemented a capital range. There are no participation certificates or profit-sharing certificates. The Company has also not issued any options or convertible bonds.
The capital structure has not changed in the period over the last three years (financial years 2021, 2022, 2023).
4. Limitations on transferability and nominee registrations
BB Biotech AG may decline a registration as shareholder with voting rights if a shareholder does not expressly declare that it has acquired the shares in its own name and for its own account, that there is no agreement on the return and redemption of the relevant shares and that it bears the economic risks associated with the shares. If the shareholder refuses to make such declaration, the shareholder will be registered as a shareholder without voting rights.
A person failing to expressly make such declaration in its registration/application (a nominee) will be entered in the share register with voting rights only if such nominee has entered into an agreement with BB Biotech AG concerning its status.
In the financial year under review, the Board of Directors granted no exemptions from the transfer restrictions.
After hearing the registered shareholder or nominee, the Board of Directors may delete entries in the share register with retroactive effect it such entries were made on the basis of false information (see article 3 of the articles of incorporation of the Company).
5. Board of Directors

5.1 Members and background
5.2 Independence
All members of the Board of Directors are independent and have no executive functions at the company or a subsidiary, neither today nor in the last three years and do not serve, and have not served during the last two years as lead auditor of the Company's auditors. Moreover, no business relations are in place between the Board members and BB Biotech AG or a subsidiary.
5.3 Number of permissible external mandates
No member of the Board of Directors can have more than ten additional mandates, thereof no more than four in listed entities.
The detailed rule with respect to the number of permissible external mandates of members of the Board of Directors is defined in article 23 of the articles of incorporation of the Company.
5.4 Election, term of office and nationality
The Board of Directors is elected by a simple quorum for a term of office of one year. There are no limitations to the board members’ tenure. The members of the Board of Directors have first been elected at the following General Meetings:
RNC 1) | ARC 2) | SGC 3) | Nationality | Born in | Elected in | |||||||
Dr. Erich Hunziker, Chairman (since 2013) | M | CH | 1953 | 2011 | ||||||||
Dr. Clive Meanwell, Vice-Chairman (since 2011) | C | M | UK | 1957 | 2004 | |||||||
Laura Hamill | C | US | 1964 | 2022 | ||||||||
Dr. Pearl Huang | M | M | US | 1957 | 2022 | |||||||
Prof. Dr. Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen | M | DK | 1960 | 2020 | ||||||||
Dr. Thomas von Planta | C | CH | 1961 | 2019 |
C: Chair, M: Member
1Remuneration and Nomination Committee
2Audit and Risk Committee
3Sustainability and Governance Committee
5.5 Internal organization
The Board of Directors consists of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and four members. The Board of Directors has appointed a secretary who is not a member of the Board of Directors. The Board has three committees: Audit and Risk Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee as well as a Sustainability and Governance Committee. The members of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee are elected by the General Meeting. The Chairperson of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee is appointed by the committee members. The Chairperson and members of the Audit and Risk Committee as well as the Sustainability and Governance Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors has extensive experience in all relevant areas, especially from the healthcare and financial industry. With this experience, the members of the Board of Directors are well suited to supervise the Company´s activities.
The Chairman and members of the Board of Directors are elected by the shareholders at the Company’s General Meeting. If the position as Chairman is vacant, the Board of Directors will nominate one of its members to serve as Chairman until the end of the next General Meeting.
Board meetings are normally convened by the Chairman or, in his absence, the Vice-Chairman. The individual board members can also require that the Chairman calls for a board meeting. The Board of Directors receives comprehensive information regarding each of the agenda items at the board meetings. The Board of Directors generally meets once per month via video or telephone conference. In addition, two three-day strategy meetings take place each year. The board meetings are also attended by representatives of Bellevue Asset Management AG as investment manager and administrator. In addition, the representatives entrusted with the asset management present the respective investment and divestiture decisions. The Board of Directors examines the individual investment decisions with respect to the compliance with the investment strategy as well as the investment process. On a yearly basis, the Board of Directors performs and approves a comprehensive risk assessment. Financial risk management is disclosed in note 3 to the consolidated annual financial statements. Performance of relevant service providers as well as the auditor are evaluated at least on a yearly basis.
The following table provides an overview of the in person strategy meetings and other meetings of the Board of Directors in 2023.
Strategy Meeting | Meetings | Circular resolutions | ||||
Total | 2 | 8 | 1 | |||
Average duration (in hours) | 23:45 | 1:23 | ||||
Participation: | ||||||
Dr. Erich Hunziker, Chairman | 2 | 8 | 1 | |||
Dr. Clive Meanwell, Vice-Chairman | 2 | 8 | 1 | |||
Laura Hamill | 2 | 8 | 1 | |||
Dr. Pearl Huang | 2 | 8 | 1 | |||
Prof. Dr. Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen | 2 | 6 | 1 | |||
Dr. Thomas von Planta | 2 | 8 | 1 |
The Board of Directors passes its resolutions by a majority of the votes and the Chairman has the casting vote in case of a tie. The Board of Directors is quorate when the majority of its members are present at the board meetings.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee examines whether all systems created to monitor compliance with legal and statutory provisions are appropriate and whether they are being applied properly. It reports to the Board of Directors and makes recommendations to the same.
The Audit and Risk Committee also monitors and evaluates the integrity of the financial reports, internal controls, the effectiveness of the external auditor as well as risk management and compliance, taking into consideration the risk profile of the Group. It maintains board level contact with the external auditors and monitors their performance and independence as well as their collaboration with the investment manager and administrator.
All members of the Audit and Risk Committee are independent. The Audit and Risk Committee meets at least once a quarter. The Audit and Risk Committee Charter is available for download here.
The following table provides an overview of the meetings and circular resolutions of the Audit and Risk Committee in 2023.
Meetings | Circular resolutions | |||
Total | 4 | – | ||
Average duration (in hours) | 1:00 | – | ||
Participation: | ||||
Dr. Thomas von Planta, Chairman | 4 | – | ||
Dr. Clive Meanwell | 4 | – | ||
Dr. Pearl Huang | 4 | – |
Remuneration and Nomination Committee
The members of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee are elected by the General Meeting. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee supports the Board of Directors in the following areas: Composition of the Board of Directors and nomination of new board members, compensation policy and guidelines, performance targets and preparation of proposals regarding compensation to the Board of Directors. It reports to the Board of Directors and makes recommendations to the same. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee meets as often as necessary but in any event at least once a year. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee Charter is available for download here.
The following table provides an overview of the meetings and circular resolutions of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee in 2023.
Meetings | Circular resolutions | |||
Total | 2 | – | ||
Average duration (in hours) | 0:45 | – | ||
Participation: | ||||
Dr. Clive Meanwell, Chairman | 2 | – | ||
Prof. Dr. Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen | 2 | – |
Sustainability and Governance Committee
The Sustainability and Governance Committee supports the Board of Directors in environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. As outlined in the publicly available Charter of the Committee (which is available for download here), ESG is defined as follows:
(i) Environmental: the impact of the Group and the impacts of the portfolio companies on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, carbon emissions, air and water pollution, energy efficiency, waste management, and natural resources conservation;
(ii) Social: the role of the Group and the roles of the portfolio companies within the relevant societies and their interaction with stakeholders and communities, covering aspects of human rights, supply chain sustainability, diversity and inclusion, non-discrimination, and equal treatment; and
(iii) Governance: the Company’s corporate governance framework and all applicable standards, codes, and best practices to the extent not under supervision by the Company’s Audit and Risk Committee or the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, including aspects such as bribery and corruption, lobbying, and political contributions.
The Sustainability and Governance Committee reviews periodically and, if required, makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the investment strategy, policies and guidelines concerning ESG matters. It monitors the investment, regulatory and reputational impacts of ESG matters on the Group and provides guidance to the Board of Directors concerning the management of such impacts. Furthermore, it assesses the performance of the investment manager with regard to ESG matters and reviews the Group’s sustainability report. It reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on significant emerging and current trends and stakeholders’ views regarding ESG matters.
All members of the Sustainability and Governance Committee are independent. The Committee meets as often as required but in any case at least once a year.
The following table provides an overview of the meetings and circular resolutions of the Sustainability and Governance Committee in 2023.
Meetings | Circular resolutions | |||
Total | 4 | – | ||
Average duration (in hours) | 1:00 | – | ||
Participation: | ||||
Laura Hamill, Chairwoman | 4 | – | ||
Dr. Erich Hunziker | 4 | – | ||
Dr. Pearl Huang | 4 | – |
The Company informed on January 19, 2024, about changes to the Board of Directors. Dr. Erich Hunziker will not stand for re-election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting. Dr. Thomas von Planta will be proposed as successor. Further, the Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that Camilla Soenderby be elected as Director.
6. Investment management
BB Biotech AG does not have an internal management. The Board of Directors of BB Biotech AG has – as it is customary for investment companies – delegated the investment management based on the investment management agreement to Bellevue Asset Management AG, domiciled in Küsnacht, Switzerland. Bellevue Asset Management AG offers a select range of active equity strategies in fast-growing markets, the healthcare sector and in other special themes such as owner-managed companies, as well as holistic investment strategies across all traditional asset classes.
The supervision of Bellevue Asset Management AG acting as external investment manager and its adherence to the investment policy remains with the Board of Directors of BB Biotech AG as a non-transferable duty. The investment management contract is valid for an indefinite period and can be terminated by either party with a notice period of twelve months with effect as per the end of the following calendar year. Bellevue Asset Management AG has a team of dedicated experts and analysts to fulfill the duties of the investment management contract. The investment strategy is disclosed in the annual report.
Since January 1, 2014, the remuneration paid to the investment manager has been based upon a 1.1% p.a. all-in fee on the average market capitalization without any additional fixed or performance- based elements of compensation, which is paid on a monthly basis. The amount is disclosed in note 8 to the consolidated financial statements.
The Board of Directors approves on a yearly basis that an adequate portion of the fees shall be used for incentives and remuneration of those people at Bellevue Asset Management AG who are assigned with tasks under the investment management and administrative agreements.
In order to align the interests between shareholders of BB Biotech AG and these assigned people at Bellevue Asset Management AG, a long-term incentive plan is in place. Pay-out after three years depends on the performance of the share price of BB Biotech AG vs. performance criteria (absolute return, local benchmark, industry benchmark) and can vary between 0% and 100%.
7. Remuneration
See note 8 to the consolidated financial statements as well as the remuneration report hereinafter for details relating to the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the process of determining its remuneration.
The rules governing the approval by the General Meeting of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors as well as the principles governing the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors can be found in articles 19–21 of the articles of incorporation of the Company. The articles of incorporation do not contain any provision with respect to loans, credits and pension benefits to the members of the Board of Directors.
8. Shareholders’ participation rights
8.1 Limitations to voting rights; voting by proxy
There are no limitations to voting rights and no internal rules that deviate from the statutory provisions concerning attendance of a General Meeting. The articles of incorporation do not contain any provision with respect to the issuance of directives to the independent voting rights representative or to the electronic participation at a General Meeting. Shareholders may be represented by the independent voting rights representative, their legal representative or, with written proxy, another shareholder of BB Biotech AG.
8.2 General Meeting
The articles of incorporation of the Company do not stipulate any majority requirements for the General Meeting that differ from the requirements set out by Swiss corporate law. The rules for the convention of a General Meeting by the shareholders stipulated by article 6 of the articles of incorporation of the Company do not differ from the rules set out by Swiss corporate law. Shareholders, who alone or together with other shareholders represent BB Biotech AG shares with at least 0.5% of the share capital or votes of BB Biotech AG may request that an item be put on the agenda by indicating the matter and the motion(s). Such requests must be made in writing within 45 days prior to the General Meeting (see article 7 of the articles of incorporation of the Company).
8.3 Registration in the share register
The share register is closed approximately five working days before the date of the General Meeting for administrative reasons. The Board of Directors will communicate the exact date in the invitation to the relevant General Meeting. Shareholders and beneficiaries who are registered in the share register before such date are entitled to vote at the General Meeting (if registered with voting rights). The BB Biotech AG shares can be traded at any time and are not blocked.
8.4 Dividend policy
Since 2013, BB Biotech AG has a structured payout policy in place designed to give shareholders a return of up to 10% p.a. It consists of the following elements:
BB Biotech AG intends to continue to propose dividend payments that correspond to a 5% return on the volume weighted average price of its shares in December of the respective fiscal year. The dividend is normally paid out in one installment after the annual General Meeting in March each year. Besides the attractive dividend yield, BB Biotech AG is also conducting continuous share buybacks between 0 and 5% of share capital p.a. Share repurchases will be conducted within defined parameters.
9. Change-of-control and defensive measures
9.1 Obligatory offer for sale
An opting-out rule is in place (see article 3 of the articles of incorporation of the Company).
9.2 Change-of-control clauses
No change-of-control clauses are in place in favor of the Board of Directors.
10. Auditors
10.1 Duration of mandate and term of office of the lead auditor
Since the Annual General Meeting held on March 17, 2022, Deloitte AG has been the auditor of BB Biotech AG. Since that date, Marcel Meyer is the lead auditor responsible for the audit of the Company’s financial statements for the fiscal year 2023. In line with article 18 of the articles of incorporation, the auditor is elected for a term of office extending until completion of the next Ordinary General Meeting.
10.2 Fees
The following fees for professional services in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, were agreed and paid:
- Fees for the annual audit and quarterly review of the financial statements: CHF 120 000
- Fees for ESG training of the Board of Directors: CHF 18 000
10.3 Instruments of information of the external audit
The Audit and Risk Committee prepares proposals to the Board of Directors for the appointment and removal of the auditors. The Audit and Risk Committee also assesses – at least annually – the qualifications, expertise, effectiveness, independence and performance of the auditors and their lead audit partner. The investment manager and the auditors are at least quarterly in contact with each other. The auditor performs reviews on quarterly consolidated financial statements and issues respective opinions.
The auditors attended four Audit and Risk Committee meetings in 2023. Written reporting of the auditor consists of an annual audit plan as well as a comprehensive report to the Board of Directors on the result of the audit of the financial statements.
11. Trading in own securities
BB Biotech AG operates, in line with legal and internal regulations, as an active purchaser/seller of own securities on the market, securing additional liquidity in the process.
12. Information policy
BB Biotech AG is committed to communicating with its shareholders and the capital markets in a transparent, consistent and timely manner. Official notices of BB Biotech AG are published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce («Schweizerisches Handelsamtsblatt»). Invitations to General Meetings of BB Biotech AG and communications to shareholders of BB Biotech AG are also published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce; for information purposes, the invitations are in addition sent by mail to the address recorded in the shareholders’ register.
BB Biotech AG provides information on its quarterly and annual results in the form of quarterly and annual reports (in printed and/or electronic form) and through media events and media releases. The latest publication dates are available on the website of BB Biotech AG in German and English. In addition, BB Biotech AG informs on key company news during the financial year whenever relevant for the shareholders and the capital markets and publishes price-sensitive information timely and in accordance with the applicable ad hoc publicity rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange. All announcements, official notices, reports, investor updates, presentations, media releases, media articles, and other documents published dating back to the last three years are available on the website of BB Biotech AG or can be ordered by e-mail at Interested parties may subscribe for the automatic alerting service here.
The contact address of Investor Relations is:
BB Biotech AG
Schwertstrasse 6
8200 Schaffhausen/Switzerland
Phone: +41 52 624 08 45
Further information and details of contact persons are available on the website of BB Biotech AG at Please refer also to «Shareholder information».
13. Trading blackout periods
BB Biotech AG has defined recurring trading blackout periods, during which BB Biotech AG, the members of its Board of Directors, employees of Bellevue Asset Management AG to whom BB Biotech AG has delegated the investment management as well as related parties are prohibited from trading in securities of BB Biotech AG and/or related financial instruments, subject to exemptions provided by Swiss law (e.g., for delegated share buyback programs). The recurring trading blackout periods begin at least 30 days before the publication of the annual or interim financial statements and end on the day of their publication. The exact dates are communicated by Bellevue Asset Management AG’s Legal & Compliance team on behalf of BB Biotech AG to all persons involved. BB Biotech AG may impose additional (ad hoc) trading blackout periods at any time for any reason.