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Consolidated statement of changes in equity

in CHF 1 000

Share capital

Treasury shares

Retained earnings


Balances at January 1, 2023

11 080

(36 508)

2 711 563

2 686 135

Dividend (CHF 2.85 per share)

(156 311)

(156 311)

Total comprehensive income for the period

(267 333)

(267 333)

Balances at June 30, 2023

11 080

(36 508)

2 287 919

2 262 491

Balances at January 1, 2024

11 080

(36 508)

2 348 645

2 323 217

Dividend (CHF 2.00 per share)

(109 692)

(109 692)

Total comprehensive income for the period

173 412

173 412

Balances at June 30, 2024

11 080

(36 508)

2 412 365

2 386 937

The notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.