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2. Group structure and shareholders

2.1 Group structure

BB Biotech AG (ISIN CH0038389992) has its registered office at Schwertstrasse 6, 8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Its principal activity is to invest in companies in the biotechnology industry. These companies are active in the research, development and commercialization of therapies and drugs.

BB Biotech AG is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (BION) and in the «Prime Standard Segment» of the German Exchange XETRA (BBZA). Additional information on this can be found here.

Please refer to note 1 to the consolidated annual financial statements for more information on the Company’s group structure.

The investments are held through its four, fully owned subsidiaries:

Company name

Registered office /Country

BB Biotech AG interest %

Share Capital

Biotech Focus N.V.



CHF 10 778

Biotech Growth N.V.



CHF 10 778

Biotech Invest N.V.



CHF 10 778

Biotech Target N.V.



CHF 10 778

BB Biotech AG controls and is the ultimate parent company of its subsidiaries (Subsidiaries). Together they form the BB Biotech Group (Group). In this function, the Company performs tasks of management, organization as well as financing for itself and for its Subsidiaries. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the corporate bodies of the Company may therefore also promulgate guidelines and directives for the Subsidiaries. Notwithstanding these endeavors, the legal independence of the Subsidiaries and the provisions of applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to them must be observed to the extent legally required.

On behalf of the Company, the Board of Directors has entered into a management contract with Bellevue Asset Management AG, domiciled in Küsnacht, Switzerland. Under the management agreement, Bellevue Asset Management AG agreed to carry out management services relating to the investment activity and the management of the Group. Bellevue Asset Management AG is subject to supervision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and has a license as authorized manager for collective assets. Bellevue Asset Management AG is fully owned by Bellevue Group AG, which is an independent Swiss financial boutique listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.

2.2 Significant shareholders

The Board of Directors is not aware of any major shareholder with a holding exceeding 3% of all votes as of December 31, 2023. 100% of BB Biotech AG’s share capital is free float. The notifications which have been submitted to the Company and the disclosure office of the SIX Swiss Exchange during the fiscal year pursuant to article 120 of the Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading and which have been published on the latter’s electronic publication platform may be accessed via the search function here.

2.3 Cross-shareholdings

The Board of Directors is not aware of any cross-holdings with other companies exceeding a limit of 5% in terms of capital or the number of votes.

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